Monday, September 5, 2022

Extra Life! The return of PlayerPandemonium

A Re-Introduction

It's been a bit hasn't it? 455 days if anyone was counting. So yes, I do plan on bringing back this video game blog. Not sure how committed things will be because let's be honest, there is a chance I do a few blog posts then take another over year long break. This begs the question of why I stepped away as long as I did.

Lots has changed with me in my personal life. New job, new location, the works. But the main reason why I feel I've taken time off is I felt like I had too many other commitments that the blog kind of got pushed to the side. I only have so much time and so much attention. However with these other things I've been doing, I have reached burn out with some of them and decided to cut the fat on on it, now it feels like I have free time and I can focus on talking about gaming. 

For those who are new here and most might be because most likely had no idea about this thing in the first place, PlayerPandemonium is my blog about video games, rather it be a review of a game, a topic, or anything in-between. This originally started as a podcast and I got a good 30 or so episodes in before wanting to take a new direction with it. I feel a blog is a better way to go as I can write down my thoughts rather than speaking. The truth is I've never felt I was a good speaker or was the best with my prenucleation and diction in my voice. The passion is no doubt there, it's just translating it in words in a way where people get my point has been the issue. Behind the keyboard rather than the mic feels more... free if you will. 

Writing for me as always been something I felt I was good at but not something I really wanted to spend my life doing. I did well on most of my college papers so I've had the talent and the skill to ramble on paper, just not the drive to write things. I believe this was manly in college I was writing on topics I kind of didn't want to write about. With video games, I feel like there's an endless ocean ready to be discovered.

What Can I Expect From This?
This leads to my next thing. An honest truth is I've never caught on with current gaming. Something about it just doesn't stick with me anymore. I have tons to say about trends in modern gaming but I've not played too much current stuff. Manly because again, it feels like I don't have time anymore. I see gamers today complain about a game only being 30 or so hours and not some 90 hour epic. I've hit the point where I don't have the time or commitment for such a long game. Maybe all of this is my age showing. 

This could be seen as more of a "retro" blog but there is current day topics I want to cover. Two ideas I could go into for example could be my say on microtransactions, free to play games, and lootboxes. Another topic could also be my say on Nintendo Directs and they bi to tri yearly presentations and how that's become a massive hype machine. But one thing at a time.

I plan on making this blog like a gaming diary of sorts. I might have some blogs where it's just "I got something to say about X" and just tee off. Another thing I'll likely do is transfer or re-visit some podcast episodes and put those in blog format. There's too many good topics I want to re-cover such as NES' Tecmo Super Bowl or my thoughts on the fighting game, Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3, for some reason being my most listened to episode in the podcast format. Also want to do more versions of "Level Up" where I talk about a level of a video game in detail. One of most fun reviews I did I think was me reviewing The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time's Forest Temple. I will say there are a few topics I can't really re-do due to the timing of it. I don't think talking about Pokemon Black and White's 10 year anniversary works on it's 14th year. However, Pokemon X and Y will hit 10 years next year so that's likely on the table, and I got ALOT to say about those games.

Of course, I do plan on talking about newer topics and things I have let to cover. One of my goals is two games I really want to say my opinion on. Those games being The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, and Perfect Dark. I believe I could write a full out masterclass on those games along with some others. But let's take smaller steps first before going for the big stuff. 

To wrap it all up...
As I even type this, it's giving me a new goal and excitement for what I planned for this blog now. Part of me however thinks "Why would anyone care what I have to say?" But hey you never know. Like I said when I started PlayerPandemonium when I started it as a podcast, need to take the first step. You'll only get better from there.

I'm very excited to bring back PlayerPandemonium, so get ready for more hijinks and random thoughts and the venting of just some random person that loves his video games.

Always take that first step. Welcome to (or welcome back if you're revisiting) to PlayerPandemonium



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